UPDATE: This promotion, as detailed with originally detailed with the special coupon code below, has now closed. That said, if Country of the Week sounds like something for you, we still look forward to welcoming you.
This is a bizarre time. I did not expect this to be how my very first Country of the Week blog post would be written.
Eight weeks ago, I was excitedly working on a project (this project) with the hope that it might impact the world in a really, really positive way. I am still hoping for that, but after watching what we are now dealing with, I feel compelled to temporarily shift course a little bit (even after spending a substantial amount of money and many hundreds of hours creating it).
With thousands of schools now being closed all over North America, Country of the Week is being shared and mentioned in all kinds of unexpected places. It is being suggested as a learning tool to help families with this unexpected home schooling situation they now find themselves in. Country of the Week only launched two weeks ago and yet here I am now, in a position to help parents and their children make the best of the situation.
In response to the current global crisis and after much consideration about continuing to self-fund this project, I am opening up Country of the Week FREE for two months (hopefully most of the uncertainty is over by then). If you are willing to put a world map up on a wall, then go ahead and try out what we’ve created. This isn't a "lite" version or anything like that. You'll get everything I've poured my heart and soul into (and more, because knowing your kids will have a lot of available time, I am working on additional printable activity content!). To make this work, select the monthly subscription offer and enter the coupon code COVID19 at checkout for 100% off for two months. (Billing will automatically begin at $5/month after that, but don't worry, we'll send you plenty of email notices before then to ensure you want to continue.)
Through Country of the Week, our two daughters have come to know more about world geography, plants, animals and cultures than many of the adults we know. If you would like to give your family a gift of exploring the world and having fun learning about it without leaving your home (which is really important in many places right now), check out what we do and how things work around here. If you're game, your first two months will be a gift from us!
Thanks everyone. We are in this together and together we will see each other through.
Be well.
- Dave
50% Complete
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